Yes, this is my first bookNo, I have published before

    It is an illustrated albumIt is a children's novelIt is a young adult novel

    Yes, it is ready to publishNo, it is not fully finished yet

    Yes (the publisher will assess whether the illustrations you provide meet the required quality or if they need to be replaced by professional illustrations)No, I want the publisher to illustrate it.They are not needed

    Pre-readers: 0-3 yearsEarly readers: 4-6 yearsPrimary readers: 7-10 yearsPreteens: 11-13 yearsTeenagers: 14-16 years

    Send us your manuscript for evaluation, or simply provide your phone number to receive personalized information

    Maximum size: 5MB - Allowed formats: pdf, doc, docx

    Photos of the manuscripts are not allowed, nor are manuscripts split into separate files (only 1 pdf or Word file per project).