A publishing house specialising in books for children and young people
Our publications are a double response to the cultural challenges of today’s world. They provide values and social interest in the education and development of children and adolescents. They bring publishing and professional publishing closer to emerging authors. More than 1,500 titles published during our first 10 years of life endorse us.

At BABIDI-BÚ, as a committed publishing house for children and young people, we are aware of the change in social needs and problems and, specifically, of the shortcomings of the publishing sector in terms of children’s publications that address them. We have adapted to the social debate of recent times, and we have been updating our editorial collection with new collections that address the transformation that new contemporary societies have been undergoing. We consider children’s and young people’s literature to be a key genre for the creation of future readers, to educate them in values and to train them in their adult literary tastes.
We put cultural and educational values first
We encourage creativity in children and young people as a means of expression, helping them to develop their imagination and fostering the development of their emotional intelligence and ethical values. We publish illustrated stories that have never been told before, with artistic and literary quality that transmit human, social and cultural values. Our books for the youngest children aim to educate about diversity, gender identity, integration and respect for the environment.
For this reason, we have a catalogue with 21 collections ranging from stories for pre-readers from 0 to 3 years old, to the narrative more oriented to a public from 14 years old.
But our collections, beyond encompassing works catalogued by age range of readers and types of books, deal with the love of nature and respect for the environment and individual responsibility towards our planet and animals, with an emphasis on social awareness at all levels, they deal with the understanding of diversity and the social inclusion of all human beings, in other words, they talk about freedom, tolerance and respect for what is different (giving visibility to the LGTBI collective), in conclusion, our books are tools that train us to understand the world from love, from emotional intelligence, and much more… . The publishing house also gives visibility to stories of overcoming different diseases that are in the daily lives of many children, trying to sensitise its readers to these realities. We also have books about music, books that deal with the prevention of abuse in childhood or that help to deal with grief after the loss of a loved one. Often our stories are told by the children writers themselves.
Another of our hallmarks is our love for all languages, being one of the Spanish children’s publishers that publishes more bilingual works (books in two versions according to languages), both Spanish/Catalan, Spanish/Basque, Spanish/Galician, Spanish/Valencian. We pay special attention to any work that has an educational intention within our framework of implicit values, both nationally and internationally (English, German, Italian, Portuguese…).
At BABIDI-BÚ we made the leap into the digital E-book market in 2018, five years after its creation, and it has now become a core market for the publisher’s activity, with sales in this format having doubled since the beginning of the pandemic.
We are committed to emerging authors
We place authors, and especially new authors, at the centre of our editorial commitment. To this end, we create a high quality end product, through a sustainable publishing model that meets the specific needs of each one of them. We offer a personalised and very close treatment that allows writers to get the best out of their works and guarantee them a product that meets the highest standards of professional publishing. We achieve this with highly controlled quality processes, with a very compact and committed team and with a very serious and solvent national and international distribution.
Our high quality hardcover editions make the difference, as well as the graphic content, by professional illustrators from all over the world who have wished to become part of the network of authors and the BABIDI-BÚ family. The publishing house also has a wide portfolio of bookshops, distributors and exporters who are taking the books to points of sale all over the world.
Publishers by tradition
BABIDI-BÚ is a personal project born in the mind of the Sevillian architect Marta Montes (Seville, 1978). Marta is linked to the publishing world by family heritage, as her mother, Maite Nieto, had already founded a children’s and youth publishing house before (2002), which inspired her to start her own publishing path in 2013. In its first ten years of life, the publishing house has already published 1,500 titles. Its portfolio of authors is also over a thousand and it directly employs 20 professionals with different profiles. In addition, the publishing house is recognised by the Ministry of Culture of the Spanish government and the Ministry of Education of the Regional Government of Andalusia, and some of its titles have been selected as approved curricular material in various schools in Spain.

Where we are going
BABIDI-BÚ is now immersed in a process of internationalisation, establishing itself seriously in countries such as Italy and Portugal. On the other hand, it is paying a lot of attention to the export of its books abroad with direct distribution agreements with different distributors in several countries.
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